The Main Advantages of Cold Repairing Castings on Site

In the factory or on the shipyard, some cast iron installations may deteriorate and lose their original shape. For this reason, it is a good decision to call on professionals specialised in the repair of these parts. Among the most common techniques used, cold welding is the best. This is practical and is done without generating heat or melting the parts. With it, mending is done quickly and safely. What are the advantages of this process? Read this review to find out.

An Effective and Practical Technique

To patch up cast iron equipment, professionals insert special spanners into the open parts. This way, you can repair cast iron with and achieve a satisfactory result. The spanners used are made of various barbell shapes and nickel combinations. They are highly malleable and can fit perfectly into the parts being repaired. The big advantage here is that when the spanner is inserted, it becomes an integral surface of the metal of the part being repaired.

The spanners are cut to the required shape according to the individual machining project. They are very strong and make the use of the casting more durable. In addition, cold mending means that no more stresses or deformed metal can enter the parts. It also eliminates the need for time-consuming reshaping of the part. The cold mending technique therefore allows you to speed up the process and avoid replacing the components.

A Time and Money Saving Solution

The cold repair process for factory components is a better technique that is being used more and more. The popularity is due to the fact that the technique is practical and fast. There is no longer any question of wasting several days troubleshooting equipment. The professionals are equipped with the necessary skills and efficiency to carry out the task entrusted to them. In this way, your machines will be up and running again very quickly with good working efficiency.

Moreover, this proven technique allows many industries to make huge savings. On shipyards, it has been observed that this process has saved company managers millions. In fact, the process used reduces the time it takes to troubleshoot parts. Professional teams have the expertise to salvage important components of equipment. These installations can therefore be used for many years. Here, cold repair of castings is more effective than simple welding.

On-Site Repair

For many failure situations, cast iron component repair is carried out on site. This is a method that avoids wasting time during disassembly and transport of the parts to another workshop. Unless you request it, all repairs are carried out on site, thus eliminating all costly steps. Whatever the size of the components, the professionals are able to dismantle it easily in a few moments.

If you are worried about not having them on time, you should know that these craftsmen are available every day. You can also contact them at any time. The technicians respond strategically to your calls and can serve in any part of the world where the need arises. Reachable every day and especially in emergencies. Regardless of the work site, this technician can familiarize himself with the environment and effectively meet your requirements.

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